The other day, I signed an online petition against corrective rape, an abhorrent act being practised around the world today. Corrective rape is the act of men, sometimes multiple men, raping lesbian women in order to "turn them" - make them straight.
Of course, this is beyond ignorant, cruel, and hateful. It leaps into the realm of utter stupidity. A violent act of sexual assault is NOT going to make someone begin to have feelings for the opposite sex. But unfortunately, in many places, women live in fear of being violated every day.
The first comment I received when I posted this petition onto my Facebook page was the following:
Needless to say, people were offended, and a full-out war ensued. I, personally, was so upset that I could barely speak.Hate to say this but a fb petition woulnt stop it.. We need an uprising of the repressed people to stand up and say. no! Were not gonna take this

Anywho. That's my view. Have a spectacular evening, my pretties, and welcome back to hothotbeet after our holiday hiatus!
Girl With One Eye
P.S. If you'd like to sign the petition to fight for declaring corrective rape a hate crime, go to the following link: Political pressure DOES make a difference, and we need as many people as possible pressuring the South African government in particular to consider this issue.