Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Let's go back to the coast, baby, westward to the ocean.

Water.  Clean and fresh, water is necessary for life, health, and basic hygiene.  On the other hand, not everyone in the world has access to clean water.  Is this a basic right, or an economic good?

My country has one of the biggest fresh water supplies in the entire world.  The human population uses a ridiculous amount of water, especially in the west, and one day our supply will run out.  What will happen then?  Will we begin to sell our water to the highest bidder, give it away, or store it jealously?

It doesn't even need to come to the world running out of water.  Countries have, in the past, charged their people for water.  Collecting rain water was illegal.

In my opinion, water is a basic human right.  It is necessary for survival.  We would never deprive another person of air - why do the same with water?

Anywho.  That's my piece for the day.  Happy Wednesday.

Girl With One Eye

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