Monday, November 1, 2010

She doesn't do major credit cards, I doubt she does receipts. It's all not quite legitimate.

The way the Canadian government deals with prostitution in this country has irked me long enough, and I think it's time that I share some of my thoughts.

Some people with whom I have discussed this issue think that prostitutes make their own decisions.  Sure, their jobs endanger them every day.  Most prostitutes have diseases, and some of them die as a result of their profession.  But it was their choice to become prostitutes, right?  They know the risks, and they could get out and get decent jobs if they wanted to.

This simply isn't true.  Most prostitutes are controlled by a pimp: a person who sells their services, keeps almost all of the money, and enslaves the prostitutes through debt and physical force.  Often, the pimp threatens the worker's family, or the worker themselves, with death if they leave.

Canada's laws regarding this issue are incredibly backward.  Technically, prostitution is legal in Canada - it is fine to exchange money for sexual services.  However, it is illegal to keep a "bawdy house", meaning that prostitutes are unable to take care of their own safety within a safe environment.  The act of solicitation is also illegal.  All this results in is the inability of law enforcement officials to prosecute the johns, while the victims of this system - prostitutes who are often controlled by their pimps - are penalized and arrested.

That's my piece concerning this issue.  But it's only a sliver of the information out there.  I highly recommend doing more research, and formulating your own opinions.

Girl With One Eye

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