So, now that that's out in the open, I suppose we can begin. What did most of you think when I said that? I hate to speak for everyone, but I'm assuming that most of you thought of naked people. To go a little bit further, I'm going to assume that some of you were thinking of sexualized images.
Why do we think this way? Why is nudity always associated with sexuality? On one hand, the answer is obvious - most of the time people are clothed, and the naked body holds a certain mystique. Then again, this is not always the case. Children are often naked. Tribal nudity is usually not sexualized. And most people would not dream of sexualizing Michelangelo's David or the Venus of Willendorf.

All my love,
Girl With One Eye.
I thought of bathing when you said nudity, 'cause, you know, people generally shower naked.