Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The school can't even handle you right now.

Growing up, I went to a private, all-girls Catholic school.  I know what you're thinking - whoa, party!  And that would be pretty accurate.

One thing I remember most about growing up in private school was the uniform.  We had to wear very specific clothes, right down do the colour of our hair accessories.

Now, I think that to go to that extent is a bit extreme.  However, is a dress code a good idea?  Should we be implementing them in public schools?

I am the last person to tell anyone what to do, or how to dress.  Admittedly, sometimes what I see people wearing at school is so questionable that I begin to consider the positives of having a stricter dress code - those being the comfort level of the students, the lack of prejudice based on clothing, etc.

However, it is not my place - nor is it anyone else's - to tell people how to dress.  It is a person's personal decision.  Clothing has become more than just a way to cover oneself - it is a form of expression, which the administration has no right to stifle.  A strict dress code is unnecessary for a high school, which is a small-scale culture to itself.

Girl With One Eye

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